Club Accounts

Club accounts are a great way to save for larger expenses. We offer both a Christmas Club and School Club accounts. A club accounts are designed for funds to stay in the account for one year but pay a higher interest rate than a regular savings.

Christmas Clubs

Christmas clubs cycle from the beginning of October to the end of September the following year. The proceeds are deposited into your Regular Savings account (Unless you request elsewhere) on October 1st. A Christmas Club can be opened at any time during the year and deposits can be made automatically from your paycheck or manually over the counter. This is a great way to save little by little. Funds can be used for other expenses such has end of the year property taxes of a winter vacation.

​School Clubs

School Clubs cycle from the beginning of July to the end of June. The proceeds are deposited to your Regular Savings account (Unless you request elsewhere) on July 1st. A School Club can be opened at any time of the year and can have automatic deposits or manual over the counter ones. This is a great tool to help save for all those back to school supplies and new clothes. You could also use the School Club to save for a Summer Vacation!

Dividends for all club accounts are paid annually. If you need to draw from either club account before the maturity date there is a early withdrawal fee.